Posted by: toddzilla | June 14, 2007

An Ode to Rachel Ray

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I am thinking of ways to make some quick cash so that I can fund junior’s “furniture & formula”…um….fund.  Yeah, redundancy really drives the point home.  So in a desperate attempt at funding the…fund.  Here is an ode to my benefactor.  Ahem….


Rachel Ray, Rachel Ray

With my heart, have your way

See your beauty on display

Cooking burgers or flambé

What I want to, I cannot say

Cash is tight, so I must say

$1 million is all you pay

To spend with me an entire day

Trying so hard, can’t find a way

For you to keep your desires at bay

You are too late, to make your play

I’m married now and have no say

She is great and with my “bay-bay”

And so apart you and I must stay

Unless of course you want to pay

$1 million in cash so I can stay

Fiscally solvent, day-to-day!


  1. Oh Rachel you’re so fine, you’re so fine you blow my mind. Hey Rachel! Hey Rachel!

  2. Ridiculous.

  3. […] order so that the first ingredients she needs are in the front.  Heck, I even wrote a love poem to her (one where I misspelled her name because I was so blinded by love).  But alas, that ship has […]

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